- What is Voodoo?
- What is Smith's thesis?
- Define syncretization.
- Why is Voodoo an appropriate religion for Hurston to draw from in Their Eyes?
- What are the two classes of Voodoo loa and how are they different?
- How does Hurston present Voodoo as a viable religion?
- Who is Erzulie Freda and in what ways does Janie resemble her, physically and otherwise?
- According to Smith, what is the significance of the pear tree?
- To what Voodoo figure is teacake compared and what is the significance?
- Why, according to Smith, does Teacake slap Janie?
- What, according to Metreaux, is the Voodoo concept of God and how/why does it fit with Hurston's message?
- According to Smith, how has Janie changed upon her return to Eatonville?
- Paraphrase Janie's lesson about the "importance of self-determination."
- According to Smith, what is the "alternate path to selfhood" embodied by Janie?
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